“A piece of art or a brushstroke can evoke so many emotions - that’s the power creatives hold” -Yass Naffas (Graphic Designer + Artist)
I am an experienced creative graphic designer and artist based out of Los Angeles, California with a wide ranged portfolio. My designs can be clean, modern, sophisticated, whimsical, brand specific, baby, kids, teen, corporate or commercial.
My design background includes print, book design, posters, catalogues, packaging, designing for wall decor, creating art for licensed consumer products.
I am experienced in creating licensed style guide based art, packaging and consumer products and well versed in working within brand guidelines. I have worked with assets and created Wall art that was sold in stores, from Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilms (Star Wars), Hasbro, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon and Hello Kitty style guides.
For Licensed Yass Naffas Designs Art and Designs, contact me through my contact page for more information regarding art licensing.
Graduate of Otis College of Art and Design.
■ You can reach me through my contact page or send me a message through LinkedIn.
■ Check out my AT RETAIL page for retailers that carry or carried © Licensed Yass Naffas Designs.
■ Check out my ARTIST PAGE on Pennylane Fine Art where you can read my bio, purchase prints, and license art!
■ Check out my Etsy Shop for lots of printables and designs for kids, invitations and more! www.YassDesignsLA.com
■ Follow me on instagram! @yassnaffasdesigns